Taxonomy ( Scientific classification)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Family: Scyllaridae
Genus: Thenus
Species: T. orientalis
T. orientalis was like P. Cygnus, they don't have claws. T. orientalis carry a huge, disc-like appendages that seem to be a bit similar to flat mushroom caps. This type of physical appearance ensures they are easily identifiable in warm marine environments across the world.
This species have a horizontal perimeter of the carapace (the hard upper shell) with only the cervical incision. They have no teeth around the horizontal margin of the carapace, aside from the anterolateral (both anterior and lateral) and post - cervical. The highest entire body size approximately 25.0 cm; highest carapace size around 8 cm.
T. orientalis had been distributed around Indo West Pacific, Northeastern of Africa (Red Sea to Natal) to China which includes the Southern Japan, Philippines, Persian Gulf and also across the northern coast of Australia from Western Australia to Queensland. Additionally, this species can be found in a small scale around Singapore and Malaysia. A life span for this species is still unknown.
T. orientalis will feed on hard shell mollusk’s crustaceans and algae. A diet for this species is omnivore where they will feed on plant and other small animals.